Proposal form
Proposal submission form is composed by four parts:
General Information
Sample Description
Local contact and participants
- Proposal Description
General Information
You must provide general information about the proposal and the experiment :
- Proposal: title and objectives, category, scientific discipline, research area.
- Experimental requirements: preferred and alternative beamline, required number of shifts, required photon energy and resolution, other requirements.
Proposal categories are:
New: If you are submitting this experiment plan for the first time or it has little correlation with your previous work at Elettra.
Continuation: This experiment is complemetary/conclusive to and experiment already performed at Elettra.
Resubmission: This proposal has already been submitted in a previous call but it was modified or rewritten according to the suggestions of the proposal review panel.
If your proposal is a continuation or resubmission, please remember to specify the code of the previous proposal.
The scientific discipline must be chosen from a list provided by the European Commission.
Be as precise as you can in the identification of the appropriate "Research Area", it determines the Proposal Review Panel subcommittee that evaluates your proposal.
Sample Description
In this part you should give some details about your sample, and complete a safety form for every substance you intend to use, not only samples but also other substances used for transportation, stabilization, manipulation, etc.
The safety form is mandatory, if you don't complete at least one you will not be able to submit your proposal.
You will be given the possibility to update your safety forms 3 weeks prior to the scheduled date of your experiment, in case you need to change, delete or add new materials. An e-mail from the VUO will let you know when editing is available.
A signed copy of your safety form(s) will be required only in case your proposal is scheduled, you don't need to send a sign copy for the evaluation step. All signed safety forms should arrive at Elettra before your experiment starts.
Local contact and participants
By default, the user completing the proposal is considered the proposer. All official communications will arrive to the proposer only and changes in the proposal can be requested only by him.
There are no restrictions to the number of participants. To add a participant, click on the link "Add participant". You will be presented a search field and you must search your collaborators among the registered VUO users.
It is also possible to add or delete participants in every moment before the starting date of your experiment, writing to the
The Local contact is the beamline scientist you interacted with before you prepared your proposal and who will probably assist you during your experiment. The menu will show you the options for the beamline you requested.
Proposal Description
In this last part you should describe in detail the experimental plan. You must download and complete the proposal description template from the link in the VUO:
The template is a RTF document and it is divided by a line:
- the part above the line is precompiled with your proposal data and should not be modified, otherwise you will not be able to upload the file in the system.
- the part below the line is the one you must complete. You will find suggestions on the allowed data format and how to describe your experiment. However, for a more complete overview on how to write a good proposal, we recommend you to read the suggestions form the Proposal Review Panel.
You can upload the complete template in two formats:
- RTF: preferred, but if you have problems with the size of the file (sometimes even small image files increase disproportionately the size of the RTF file) you can always convert it to pdf and upload it as such.
- PDF: This format can be convenient for you. Some pdf converters create files that are incompatible with the VUO.
If you have problems uploading your description file, write an e-mail to the users office attaching the RTF file.