Proposal form

General Information

You must provide general information about the proposal and the experiment :

  • Proposal:  title and objectives, category, scientific discipline, research area.
  • Experimental requirements: preferred and alternative beamline, required number of shifts, required photon energy and resolution, other requirements.

Proposal categories are:

  • New: If you are submitting this experiment plan for the first time or it has little correlation with your previous work at Elettra.

  • Continuation: This experiment is complemetary/conclusive to and experiment already performed at Elettra.

  • Resubmission: This proposal has already been submitted in a previous call but it was modified or rewritten according to the suggestions of the proposal review panel.

If your proposal is a continuation or resubmission, please remember to specify the code of the previous proposal.

The scientific discipline must be chosen from a list provided by the European Commission.

Be as precise as you can in the identification of the appropriate "Research Area", it  determines the Proposal Review Panel subcommittee that evaluates your proposal.

Click here to see how the first part looks like, in the VUO.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 June 2021 10:35