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How to switch the branchline (e.g. from A to B)
Only for beamline staff. This procedure is not inteded for users.
IMPORTANT! Before starting to move check that the value in 082 BCS: CENTRAL PEM1 HEIDENHEIM_20 ASSEZ is different from 0 and the STATUS iS 0 (AND NOT 8).
IF STATUS is 8 and encoder is 0 you need to call Michele Turcinovich and ask to reboot the ENCODER (it is not necessary to restart the bcs).
1. POSTHORA. Z. Read. It should be UserUnits=-23 (UPDATED GEN2011. NOTE: THE OLD VALUE WAS -26), Encoder +23 (Branchline A)
2. POSTHORB. Z. Read. It should be UserUnits=-63 (OLD VALUE WAS -66), Encoder +23 (Branchline A). If OVERWRITE or RESTORE message appears, it is likely you have to select OVERWRITE.
3. POSTHORB. Z. Move UserUnits to -15 (OLD VALUE WAS -18), Encoder XX (OLD VALUE was -22) (Branchline B).
4. POSTHORA. Z. Read. A message OVERWRITE/RESTORE will appear. Press Overwrite. Now you should read: UserUnits=+22 (THIS IS THE OLD VALUE, TO BE UPDATED), Encoder -22 (OLD VALUE, TO BE UPDATED!)(Branchline A). If OVERWRITE or RESTORE message appears, it is likely you have to select OVERWRITE.
1. POSTHORA. Z. Read. It should be UserUnits=-23 (UPDATED GEN2011. NOTE: THE OLD VALUE WAS -26), Encoder +23 (Branchline A)
2. POSTHORA. Z. Move User Units to 0 (zero). Enc=0.
1. POSTHORA. Z. Read. It should be UserUnits=0 Encoder 0 (Branchline C)
2. POSTHORA. Z. Move User Units to -23 (zero). Enc=+23.
Before starting to move check that the value in 082 BCS: CENTRAL PEM1 HEIDENHEIM_20 ASSEZ is different from 0 and the STATUS iS 0 (AND NOT 8).
IF STATUS is 8 and encoder is 0 you need to call Michele Turcinovich and ask to reboot the ENCODER (not the bcs).