- HowTo&Troubleshooting
- SelectMonoGrating
- SwitchUndulator
- MonoZeroOrder
- Opening the beamline
- Closing the beamline
- Selecting Energy Resolution
- Sputtering
- How to perform XAS
- How To Perform XPS
- Sample Transfer
- Switch the branchline
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Software Troubleshooting
The Monochromator does not move and does not read correctly.
In this case always contact first the bamline staff. Only in case you are authorized by the beamline staff, you can perform the following operations: Problem with the BCS.
If it is impossible to communicate with the BCS, the BCS might need to be restarted or rebooted. BCS not working. Beamline valves cannot be closedIf you just need to close the last BL valve of the branch A, there is a manual gate valve (black actuator) just after the main chamber, before the last mirror.Otherwise contact the beamline staff by phone. ONLY FOR AUTHORIZED PEOPLE: There is another possibility, setting all VACOs, both those relative to the frontend and those relative to the beamline, are switched to the "LOCALE" mode, turning the corresponding key and then closing the valves. The FRONT END VALVES need to be closed and opened in a all these three elements need to be opened in a well-established order. Failing to follow this procedure will cause PERMANET DAMAGE to the FE stopper which will be burned under the direct photon beam. TO OPEN the FRONT END open the following elements, following EXACTLY this order: 1. The FE (last) valve. 2. The FE stopper. 3. The FE shutter. TO CLOSE the FRONT END:these elements have to be closed in the opposite direction. Close the following elements, following EXACTLY this order: 1. The FE shutter, 2. The FE stopper, 3. The FE (last) valve. LabView is in Edit mode (it is not possible to write the number inside the VI)Click TAB some times untile the arrow symbol for the cursor appears again The PC asks for a username and a password
For the Acquisition PC, the username and password are written on the small paper fixed on the black case of the PC tower |
Overwrite or restore? An Error Message pops up
An Error Message pops up on the monitor of the Data Acquisitin PC, asking if you want to overwrite or restore. Even if the default choice is overwrite, 99.9% of the times it is better to press RESTORE, especially when the error message is about the ENTRANCE/EXIT SLIT OPENING positions. 1) The Beamline Control system is in time out and reads encoder=0. So, since encoder=0 means a different user unit value than the last value which was set, this erro message appears. It is the case when the user was NOT moving the SLIT OPENING or anything, but only reading its value or the user was doing an XPS or energy scan. Typically the two values (saved value and read value which appear in the error message) are very different (e.g. 30 and 50 for the entrance slit opening). Always press RESTORE in this case. If, by mistake, you have pressed OVERWRITE, contact asap the beamline scientist in order to restore the old values of the user units, otherwise you will be working with wrond settings. 2)In a very few cases, the typical case is when the users moves the Entrance slit "Y" position (NOT the opening!) to switch the undulator, it is necessary to press OVERWRITE.
This happens when the user is moving a motor (e.g. the Y), the motor does not reach the final position, but one step before. So the position read using the encoder is the one corresponding to the last step of the motor, but not the position that the motor was supposed to reach. In this case the two values (saved value and read value which appear in the error message) are very close (e.g. if you were moving the Y from +117.5 to -4.2, the error message says that the saved value is -4.6 and the read vale is -4.2). In this case, press OVERWRITE. Then READ again. The error message will likely appear again and then press again OVERWRITE. The Acquisition PC or LABVIEW has to be restarted
Always contact the local contact of the beamline first. IGOR PROCEDURES:
The Igor procedure files to plot BACH data (the yellow panel) are installed on the acquisition PC of the beamline. If Igor or the PC crashes, it is possible to recover the yellow panel by doing the following: The Energy or Motor scan are slow and I0 reads 0 every 2 or 3 pointsStop the scan and initialize again the keithley (i.e. set again the range of the keithley from the Main panel).The regions of the ScanEnergy.VI or ScanResonantXPS.VI or other macros have to be deletedClick with the right button of the mouse on the tab that you want to delete. Select DataOperation-->Delete element/ delete all elements /delete previous element
Last Updated on Thursday, 13 September 2018 12:57