PhD position available
A 4-year PhD position is available at MagneDyn in collaboration with the CITIUS group at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
The 4-year research project will focus on the investigation of static and dynamic properties of magnetically ordered systems by means of laser-based magneto-optic effects (Kerr, Faraday...). Topics of focus will be magnetism in a variety of metal/semiconductor heterostructures and the role of spin diffusion in the ultra-fast magnetism phenomena. Experiments will rely on a setup generating high-order (XUV) harmonics of an ultra-fast infrared laser coupled to a magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) system. The XUV radiation will be tuned at the M and N absorption edges of various transition metal and rare-earth compounds, allowing one to perform element-sensitive, time-resolved, investigations of complex magnetic materials. Complementary pump-and-probecore resonant magneto-opticexperimentswillbe carried outat the free electron laser (FEL) beamline MagneDyn, using the FEL alone or in combination with a synchronized optical laser that allows studying the ultrafast magnetodynamics of the target system upon electronic and crystal excitations.
The candidate will gain experience in advanced spectroscopies in the time domain and nonlinear optics.
The position is available starting from September 2022. To apply, please send your curriculum vitae, M.Sc. transcript and a brief statement that explains your motivation for pursuing a Ph.D. to Prof. Giovanni De Ninno (.