Info for Users

The T-ReX Laboratory is a users facility hosting a variety of time-resolved spectroscopies seeded by table-top ultrafast laser sources. These provide complementary photon beam parameters in terms of repetition rate, maximal energy per pulse, photon energy and possibility of wavelength tunability.

Proposals for the T-ReX facility can be submitted in the open calls of FERMI. Please check here for further information on how to submit a proposal!

The spectroscopy setups available to users in 2023 include:

  • 6.2 eV Setup
  • 10.8 eV Setup *
  • HHG Setup *

  • TR-OS (IR)
  • TR-OS (Diff)
  • TR-OS (R&T)
  • TR-PL
  • THz TDS
 * discussion with the local beamline coordinator is mandatory

A description of our setups can be found here: T-ReX Setups. More details and updates about the characteristics of the laser sources and the performances of the endstations can be addressed directly to our local beamline coordinator .

Please check here for information about proposal calls.

We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the local beamline coordinator well in advance of the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assessment of the experiment feasibility and may result in an improvement of the proposal.

Please note: because of the worldwide pandemic, all users are strongly encouraged to discuss in advance with the facility staff in order to optimize the experiments and ensure a positive outcome. Discussion is also required about scheduling times, which are delayed because of the past lockdown and of the new restrictions. This impacts especially the experiments requiring new developments.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 October 2023 09:00