Participation to conferences: presentations by the Nanospectroscopy team
C.A. Brondin, T. O. Menteş, F. Genuzio, S. Bonetti, A. Locatelli;
Pathways for graphene growth on ultrathin cobalt: influence on the magnetic anisotropy;
13th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterization for new materials and device 2021, 19-20 October 2021;
[online oral & poster] -
T. O. Menteş;
Synchrotron-based cathode lens microscopy: Application to ultrathin film magnetism;
CNAS-2021, 1st International Congress on Natural Sciences; Ataturk University, Turkey; 10-12 September 2021;
[Invited oral, online] -
C.A. Brondin, T. O. Menteş, F. Genuzio, S. Bonetti, A. Locatelli;
Controlling magnetism via interfacial chemistry;
7th Summer School of the Joint Doctoral Program in Chemistry, Trieste, Italy; 30 June 2021 – 01 July 2021;
[oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Unveiling nanoscale materials using photoemission spectromicroscopy;
NewTimes - New Trends in Materials Science and Engineering, L'Aquila, Italy; 14-18 June 2021;
[Keynote, online]
A. Locatelli;
Photoemission electron spectromicroscopy of complex interfaces: probing 2D materials and the support underneath;
Graphene2020 - Graphene and 2DM virtual conference, 19-23 October 2020, Grenoble (France);
[Invited Oral, online] -
T. O. Menteş;
Synchrotron-based cathode lens microscopy; LEEM-PEEM 11.5 tutorial; Spain; 29 September 2020.;
[Invited Tutorial, online] -
T. O. Menteş;
X-ray microscopy applied to surface science and magnetism;
Specialized seminar on experimental physics (3MaFi); Univerza v Ljublani, Slovenia; 12-13 May 2020.
[Invited Lecture, online]
T. O. Menteş;
Ultrathin Co Films: Structure and Magnetism;
ESI, Modeling of Crystalline Interfaces and Thin Film Structures: A Joint Mathematics-Physics Symposium; Vienna, Austria, 11-15 November 2019.
[Invited Oral] -
T. O. Menteş;
A Synchrotron-based Stereo-Microscope: XPEEM and CDI; ITACAN2019, New Science with Next Generation Synchrotron Light Sources; Trieste, Italy, 4-5 November 2019;
[Invited Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
X-ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy: Methods and Applications in Surface Science;
SILS2019, XV School on Synchrotron Radiation “Gilberto Vlaic”: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications; Muggia, Italy, 16-27 September 2019;
[Oral Lecture] -
T. O. Menteş;
Dichroism and Magnetic Dynamics;
SILS2019, XV School on Synchrotron Radiation “Gilberto Vlaic”: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications; Muggia, Italy, 16-27 September 2019;
[Oral Lecture] -
F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, P. Genoni, B. Santos, C. Lenardi, A. Sala, A. Locatelli;
Tuning thin film magnetism with 2D carbon overlayers;
105° Congresso Nazionale - Società Italiana di Fisica, L’Aquila, Italy, 23-27 Settembre 2019.
[Invited Oral] -
F. Genuzio, T.O. Menteş, A. Locatelli;
Magnetic Coupling in Patterned Fe/Gr/Co hetero-stacks;
10th MML sysmposium, Madrid, Spain, 17-21 June 2019,
[Oral] -
F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, A. Locatelli;
Surface Graphitization by Micro-focused X-ray and Electron Beams;
Summer School “Making business with green chemistry & sustainable energy”, Saerteano, Italy, 22-27 July 2019.
F. Genuzio, O. T. Menteş, K. Freindl, N. Spiridis, J. Korecki, A. Locatelli;
Phase segregation and oxidation kinetics in fcc/bcc Fe1-xNix ultrathin films;
LEEM-PEEM 11, Chongquin, China, 30 October- 3 November, 2018;
[Oral] -
P. Genoni, F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, A. Locatelli;
Magnetic patterning by electron beam assisted carbon lithography;
ICESS-14, the fourteenth International Conference of Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure, Shanghai, PRC, October 7-12, 2018;
[Oral] -
T. O. Menteş;
X-ray photoemission electron microscopy studies in ultrathin film magnetism;
NanoInnovation 2018, September 11-14, 2018;
[Oral] -
F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, P. Genoni, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, and A. Locatelli;
Magnetic patterning by electron beam assisted carbon lithography;
ICM-SF 2018 'International Conference on Magnetism', San Francisco, California (USA), July 15-20, 2018;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Spectromicroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation;
2nd NFFA-Europe Summer School, Basovizza, Trieste, Italy, July 9-13, 2018;
[Invited lecture] -
F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, P. Genoni, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, and A. Locatelli;
Stimulated CO Dissociation as a controlled Means for Local Surface Graphitization;
VI 'San Luis Conference on Surfaces, Interfaces and Catalysis', Santa Fe, Argentina, June 2-8, 2018;
[Invited oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Cathode Lens Microscopy: LEEM, XPEEM and Applications;
School on Synchrotron and Free-Electron-Laser Methods for Multidisciplinary Applications, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, May 7-18, 2018;
[Invited lecture] -
A. Locatelli;
Synchrotron radiation spectromicroscopy at the nanometer scale;
Specialized seminars on experimental physics, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, Ljubljana (Slo), March 1-2, 2018;
[Invited lectures]
T.O. Menteş;
Experimental perspectives for Elettra 2.0;
Photons at the Next Generation Synchrotron Facilities: from Production to Delivery, PHANGS 2017, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 4-5 December 2017;
[Invited oral] -
F. Genuzio, P. Genoni, T.O. Menteş, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, A. Locatelli;
Local control of the magnetic anisotropy by electron and photon beam induced CO dissociation;
ALC'17, 11th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices ’17, Kauai HI, USA, December 3-8, 2017;
[Oral] -
T.O. Menteş;
Adsorbate effects in ultrathin film magnetism;
NanoTR-13, Antalya, Turkey, October 22-25, 2017;
[Invited oral] -
F. Genuzio, P. Genoni, T.O. Menteş, A. Sala, A. Locatelli;
Local SRT via controlled surface Carbon accumulation of thin Co(0001) films;
FisMat2017, Trieste, Italy, October 1-5, 2017;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Chemical and magnetic imaging with x-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM);
XIV School on Synchrotron Radiation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Muggia (Italy), September 14-29, 2017;
[Invited lecture] -
F. Genuzio, P. Genoni, T.O. Menteş, A. Sala, A. Locatelli;
Local SRT via controlled graphitization of thin Co(0001) films;
Magnet 2017, Assisi, Italy, September 13-17, 2017;
[Poster] -
A. Locatelli, T.O. Menteş, G. Zamborlini, A. Sala, C. Africh, L.L. Patera, G. Comelli, M. Imam, C. Wang, N. Stojić, and N. Binggeli;
Unveiling complex graphene structures using SPELEEM;
13th European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics (ECSCD - 13), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, June 19-21, 2017;
[Keynote] -
A. Locatelli;
The CERIC MAG-ALCHEMI project: scientific goals and preliminary work
Science@CERIC Workshop, Hermagor, Austria, March 27-29, 2017;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Formation, structure and stability of noble-gas bubbles under graphene;
Symposium on Surface and Nano Science 2017 (SSNS’17), Furano, Japan, January, 11-15, 2017;
[Invited oral]
G. Zamborlini, T.O. Menteş, A. Sala, A. Locatelli, L. Patera, C. Africh, G. Comelli, M. Imam, N. Stojić, N. Binggeli;
Spectro-microscopy of Ion Irradiated Graphene-metal Interfaces: From Substitutional Implantation to Nanobubble Formation.;
AVS 63rd International Symposium, Nashville (TN), November 6-11, 2016;
[Invited Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Synchrotron-based Photoemission Electron Microscopy: Methods and Applications in Surface Science and Chemistry;
Journées annuelles du GdR C(RS)2, Lyon-Villeurbanne, 11 – 14 Octobre 2016;
[Invited Oral] -
P. Genoni, T.O. Menteş, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, A. Locatelli;
Chemo-magnetic micro-grafting by beam induced CO dissociation;
10th LEEM/PEEM workshop, Monterey (CA), September 11-15, 2016;
[Oral] -
G. Zamborlini, T.O. Menteş, A. Sala, A. Locatelli, L. Patera, C. Africh, G. Comelli, M. Imam, N. Stojić, N. Binggeli;
Graphene irradiation with low energy ions: from substitutional implantation to nanobubble formation;
3rd European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials (EWE G/2D), Bergisch Gladbach (near Cologne), May 17-21, 2016;
[Invited lecture] -
A. Locatelli
Basic concepts for LEEM, PEEM and XPEEM and applications;
ICTP School on Synchrotron and Free-Electron-Laser Based Methods: Multidisciplinary Applications and Perspectives, Trieste, Italy; 4-15 April 2016;
[Invited lecture] -
A. Locatelli
Synchrotron-based photoemission electron microscopy: principles and practice;
HERCULES European School: Neutrons and synchrotron radiation for science, Grenoble and Trieste, March 29 - April 29, 2016;
[Invited lecture] -
P. Genoni, T.O. Menteş, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, A. Locatelli;
Chemo-magnetic micro-grafting by particle beam induced CO dissociation;
SSNS'16, Symposyum on Surface and Nano science, Furano, Japan, January 13-17, 2016;
[Invited oral]
A. Sala
Low-energy ion implantation on graphene: towards nano-functionalization of 2D materials;
CNR-INM Bologna, Italy, 30 November 2015;
[Invited Seminar] -
G. Zamborlini, M. Imam, L.L. Patera, T.O. Menteș, N. Stojić, C. Africh, A. Sala, N. Binggeli, G. Comelli, A. Locatelli;
Noble gas nanobubbles at extreme pressure under graphene;
ALC '15. 10th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices (ALC'15), Matsue (Japan), October 25-30, 2015;
[Invited Oral] -
T.O. Menteș, E. Vescovo, J. M. Ablett, M. A. Niño, N. Stojić, A. Sala, A. Locatelli;
Structure and phase separation in ultrathin bimetallic alloy;
12th European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics (ECSCD-12), Trieste (Italy), October 18-21, 2015;
[Invited Oral] -
A. Sala, H. Marchetto, Th. Schmidt, H.-J. Freund;
Kinetics of sub-surface dislocation motion during the growth of magnetite thin films on Pt(111);
12th European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics (ECSCD-12), Trieste (Italy), October 18-21, 2015;
[Poster] -
A. Locatelli;
Cathode lens spectro-microscopy of the graphene-metal interface: film-substrate interactions, buffer layers and trapped species;
16th European Conference on applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA), Granada (Spain), September 28 - October 1, 2015;
[Keynote lecture] -
A. Locatelli;
Chemical and magnetic imaging with x-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM);
XIII School on Synchrotron Radiation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Grado (Italy), September 14-25, 2015;
[invited lecture] -
A. Sala, G. Zamborlini, T. O. Menteş, A. Locatelli;
Fabrication of 2D heterojunction in graphene via low energy N2+ irradiation;
GraphITA 2015, Bologna (Italy), September 14-18, 2015
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Cathode lens spectro-microscopy of the graphene-metal interface: film-substrate interactions, buffer layers and trapped species;
GraphITA 2015, Bologna (Italy), September 14-18, 2015;
[Invited oral] -
A. Sala, G. Zamborlini, T. O. Menteş, A. Locatelli;
n-doped micropatterns in graphene by low energy nitrogen-ion irradiation;
31st Europeanl Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-31), Barcelona (Spain), August 31 - September 4, 2015;
[Oral] -
A. Sala, G. Zamborlini, T. O. Menteş, A. Locatelli
Micropatterned n-doping of graphene via irradiation with low-energy nitrogen ions;
1st International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS), Shanghai (China), July 27-30, 2015;
T.O. Menteş, E. Vescovo, J. M. Ablett, M. A. Nino, A. Locatelli;
Low-dimensional bimetallic alloys: structure and magnetism at the nanoscale;
The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), Matsue (Japan), November 3-6, 2014;
[Invited oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Cathode lens spectromicroscopy at Elettra: applications and perspectives;
MAX IV user Meeting, Nordic X-Ray Science Days, Lund, Sweden, 29 September - 1 October 2014;
[Invited oral] -
G. Zamborlini, T.O. Menteş, A. Sala, A. Locatelli, L. Patera, C. Africh, G. Comelli, M. Imam, N. Stojic, and N. Binggeli;
Ripening and stability of rare gas clusters under graphene;
LEEM/PEEM-9, Berlin, Germany, September 14-18, 2014;
[Oral] -
A. Sala, G. Zamborlini, T.O. Menteş, A. Locatelli;
Micropatterned n-doping of graphene via irradiation with low-energy nitrogen ions;
LEEM/PEEM-9, Berlin, Germany, September 14-18, 2014;
[Poster] -
A. Sala, G. Zamborlini, T.O. Menteş, A. Locatelli;
Micropatterned n-doping of graphene via irradiation with low-energy nitrogen ions;
International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), September 8-11, 2014;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Recent progress in cathode lens spectromicroscopy at Elettra: from chemical imaging to microprobe-ARPES;
Technische Universitat Munchen, Munchen, Germany, May 26, 2014;
[Invited oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Nanospectroscopy by XPEEM and LEEM: current state and perspectives;
12th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 15-20 June, 2014;
[Invited oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Cathode lens microscopy of the graphene-metal interface: from chemical imaging to micro-ARPES;
Photon and Neutron Applications to the study of Biological and NanoscaleSystems, Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, 20-21 May, 2014; -
A. Locatelli;
Full-field and scanning photoelectron spectromicroscopy at Elettra: state-of-theart and opportunities;
CEITEC Meeting, Brno, Czech Republic, University Campus Bohunice, March 27, 2014;
[Invited oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Recent progress in synchrotron-based cathode lens spectromicroscopy: chemical, magnetic and electronic structure characterization at the nanoscale;
Workshop on synchrotron-based spectromicroscopy, Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica, February 26, 2014;
[Invited oral]
A. Locatelli, T.O. Menteș, C. Wang, N. Stojić, N. Binggeli, C. Africh, G. Comelli;
Temperature-controlled reversible rippling and bonding of graphene on a square lattice;
ALC '13. 9th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '13, Kona, Hawaii, December 2-6, 2013;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli, T.O. Menteș, G. Zamborlini, C. Wang, N. Stojić, N. Binggeli, C. Africh, G. Comelli;
Temperature-driven reversible rippling, bonding and electronic structure of graphene on Ir(100);
XCIX Congresso Nazionale della Societta Italiana di Fisica, Trieste, Italy, September 23-27, 2013;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Photoemission electron microscopy for chemical and magnetic imaging;
SILS XII school on Synchrotron Radiation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Grado, Italy, September 16-27, 2013;
[Invited lecture] -
A. Locatelli;
Chemical and magnetic imaging with x-ray photoemission electron microscopy;
3rd Joint PhD Summer School on Nanotechnology, organized by SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy, September 4-6, 2013;
[Invited] -
A. Locatelli, C. Africh, C. Wang, N. Stojić, T.O. Menteș, G. Comelli, N. Binggeli;
Temperature-controlled reversible rippling and bonding of graphene on a square lattice;
19th International Vacuum Congress IVC-19, Paris, September 9-13, 2013;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli, T.O. Menteș, C. Wang, N. Stojić, N. Binggeli, C. Africh, G. Comelli;
Morphology, bonding and electronic structure of graphene on Ir(100);
VUVX2013, the 38th International conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics., Hefei, Anhui Province, China, July 12-19, 2013;
[Invited] -
T.O. Menteș;
Structure, chemistry and magnetism at the nanoscale: combining XPEEM and LEEM;
Recent Advances in Spectromicroscopy: Experimental and Theoretical Tools, Mons (Belgium), September 4-6, 2013;
[Invited oral] -
T.O. Menteș;
"Graphene under the eyepiece: Spectromicroscopy studies on epitaxial and exfoliated graphene @ Elettra;
New Challenges for Research on Graphene REGINA, Trieste (Italy), December 3-4;
Last Updated on Monday, 18 October 2021 23:01