Participation to conferences: presentations by the Nanospectroscopy team
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F. Genuzio, O. T. Menteş, K. Freindl, N. Spiridis, J. Korecki, A. Locatelli;
Phase segregation and oxidation kinetics in fcc/bcc Fe1-xNix ultrathin films;
LEEM-PEEM 11, Chongquin, China, 30 October- 3 November, 2018;
[Oral] -
P. Genoni, F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, A. Locatelli;
Magnetic patterning by electron beam assisted carbon lithography;
ICESS-14, the fourteenth International Conference of Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure, Shanghai, PRC, October 7-12, 2018;
[Oral] -
T. O. Menteş;
X-ray photoemission electron microscopy studies in ultrathin film magnetism;
NanoInnovation 2018, September 11-14, 2018;
[Oral] -
F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, P. Genoni, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, and A. Locatelli;
Magnetic patterning by electron beam assisted carbon lithography;
ICM-SF 2018 'International Conference on Magnetism', San Francisco, California (USA), July 15-20, 2018;
[Oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Spectromicroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation;
2nd NFFA-Europe Summer School, Basovizza, Trieste, Italy, July 9-13, 2018;
[Invited lecture] -
F. Genuzio, T. O. Menteş, P. Genoni, B. Santos, A. Sala, C. Lenardi, and A. Locatelli;
Stimulated CO Dissociation as a controlled Means for Local Surface Graphitization;
VI 'San Luis Conference on Surfaces, Interfaces and Catalysis', Santa Fe, Argentina, June 2-8, 2018;
[Invited oral] -
A. Locatelli;
Cathode Lens Microscopy: LEEM, XPEEM and Applications;
School on Synchrotron and Free-Electron-Laser Methods for Multidisciplinary Applications, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, May 7-18, 2018;
[Invited lecture] -
A. Locatelli;
Synchrotron radiation spectromicroscopy at the nanometer scale;
Specialized seminars on experimental physics, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, Ljubljana (Slo), March 1-2, 2018;
[Invited lectures]
Last Updated on Monday, 18 October 2021 23:01