Past News
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1 November
Deborah and Andrea new PhD students in our Lab
Congratulations to Deborah and Andrea on joining our research group for their PhDs. It's always great to welcome new members to a research team, especially thos who have great qualities. I'm sure they will contribute valuable insights and ideas to nmL group's work.
Best of luck to you in your research endeavors!
21 October
We succeded twice in a single day !
A special and unforgettable day for the Lab
Today we celebrate Deborah Perco and Andrea Berti who managed to defend their Master thesis in Physics in the final public examination.
Deborah discussed her work entitled "Generation of sub-nanometer size-selected iron clusters and study of their oxidation process by means of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy". Andrea presented the results of his research entitled "Growth and characterization of a novel two dimensional material: platimum dioxide"
It is the first time that the lab obtain a final overall grade of
220/220 cum double laude !!!!
14 October
The first "Master in Chemistry" from the Lab
It is with great joy that we announce that Nicolas Fonda, student of the Master of Science in Chemistry program of the University of Trieste, has completed his master's degree by discussing the experimental results he obtained with us: "An x-ray absorption study of size-selected clusters: a combined experimental and theoretical approach"
We are really glad to continue this collaboration with the new PhD research program he is going to follow at the University of Udine.
Thanks Nicolas !!!

20 September
Luca was awared the PhD in Physics.
We are really glad to inform you that Luca Sbuelz graduated in Physics at the University of Trieste by discussing his research results centered on the development and on the first experiments using ENAC, the new size-selected cluster source of the lab. The thesis is entitled "Study of physical properties of mass selected atomic nanoclusters deposited on solid surfaces”.
Luca has been the driving force to have ENAC working amazingly well at the SuperESCA beamline of Elettra to start our new adventure on the third-dimension of the periodic table.
Best wished to Luca for its new job !
Tante grazie Luca !!!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 October 2024 15:55