Past News
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Surface Science Lab Group (March 2016)

From left to right: Davide Curcio, Alessandro Baraldi, Francesco Presel, Harsh Bana, Dario De Angelis, Cristian Tache, Luca Omiciuolo, Naila Jabeen.

Francesco at the Technische Universität of München.
Francesco has spent three months in the new Catalysis Research Centre at the Technical University of München for an Erasmus Traineeship project. During these months he has learnt how to use and optimize a mass-selected nanocluster source, and the knowledge he has acquired there will be used to complete the construction of such an instrument in our laboratory.


Davide is back from TUM
Davide just returned from Munich where he spent a three-month period performing high temperature STM experiments at the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Technisce Universitat München (TUM), under the supervisione of Prof. Sebastian Günther. The main goal of his activity was to study the sophisticated behavior of graphene structures on anisotropic surfaces.


Davide @ APS
Davide participated at the 2016 APS March Meeting, held in Baltimore, Maryland, where he gave a talk titled “Molecular lifting, twisting, and curling during metal-assisted polycyclic hydrocarbon dehydrogenation”. In the talk, results of the paper published on JACS 2016, 138 (2016) have been reported.


New "PhD in Nanotechnology" from our lab.
It is our great pleasure to announce that Luca Omiciuolo has gained is PhD degree in Nanotechnology after three years of hard works in our lab. Luca discussed a thesis entitled "Graphene-based low dimensional systems: growth processes and characterization". Congrats !
Thank you for the time spent together, for the achievements, for your full dedication and perseverance, for the friendship !

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 October 2024 15:55