Kleopatra (MSB-MASTER)

In brief
Kleopatra running on the MSB-MASTER computer is handling the communication between the beamline and the end station. The most important user operations are highlighted in the screenshot above, namely opening and closing the electropneumatic valves, setting the photon energy and reading the mesh current.Further details
Kleopatra is the central control software of the beamline, as can be seen in the following schemes:
The layout of the main Kleopatra window is shown here:

Connect and Disconnect buttons handle the connection to all other programs listed in the scheme. Scans button will be described below. MonoConsole and PrefocusConsole provide consoles for communication with the monochromator (MONO Server on the MSB-MONO computer) and prefocusing mirror (Prefocus software on the MSB-SLAVE computer), respectively. ComServerLog and TcpServerLog show communication with SpecsLab2 and KolXPD, both on the MSB-STATION computer.
The Prefocus section of Kleopatra shows the J1 (roll) and J2 (pitch) positions of the prefocusing mirror. AutoRoll button provides a procedure for automatic setting of J1 (roll) to the maximum of the photon flux, as described in Setting the beam position.
Kleopatra console section provides a simple console for basic commands for all related instruments. Kleopatra automatically forwards the command to the correct software and shows its Answer. The commands are:
parameter | get value | set value | software | note |
time | gettime | – | Kleopatra | MSB-MASTER computer time |
J1 | getj1 | move j1 value |
Prefocus (+ other commands available) |
prefocus roll |
J2 | getj2 | move j2 value | prefocus pitch | |
PAU | getpau | move pau value | prefocus polarization aperture upper | |
PAL | getpal | move pal value | prefocus polarization aperture lower | |
Z1 | getz1 | move z1 value | prefocus height 1 | |
Z2 | getz2 | move z2 value | prefocus height 2 | |
state | getstate | – | MONO Server | monochromator status |
energy | getenergy | setenergy value | monochromator energy | |
cff | getcff | setcff value | monochromator cff | |
PM | getpm | setpm value | monochromator plane mirror | |
PG | getpg | setpg value | monochromator plane grating | |
mc | getmc | – | Mesh Monitor | mesh current |
p1 | getp1 | – | BCS | shutter pressure |
p2 | getp2 | – | prefocus presure | |
p3 | getp3 | – | monochromator pressure | |
p4 | getp4 | – | analysis chamber pressure |
The SnapShots section of Kleopatra allows to log the parameters from the table above into the selected File, either on each press of the Make SnapShot button or Cyclically with the time period set in the .ini file.
All features related to the monochromator are in the Energy section. Namely Nominal Cff (which will be used for tuning), real Cff (calculated from the position of PM and PG), actual photon energy, position of PM and PG in microradians and counts on the encoders, status of the PM and PG axes (still/moving, reaching forward/reverse limit switches, position at the index mark and collision of PM with PG detected by the collision switch). Below one can refresh the values from the MONO Server software (Reload once or Cyclical reload), Copy the actual positions of energy, PM and PG into the corresponding fields, move the monochromator to the chosen position (setEnergy for both PM and PG, setPM or setPG) and STOP all movements in the case of wrong or risky setting.
The MeshMonitor section contains the measured or averaged outputs of the 8 channels of the A/D converter card (numbered 0 to 7) provided by the Mesh Monitor software. Mesh current (mc) from channel 2 is shown with larger font. Doubleclick on this field will maximize the view of photon energy, mc and information from the BCS.
In the BCS Info section some of the parameters from the BCS are shown, refreshed every 40 seconds. Namely the status of the 10 electropneumatic valves of the front-end and of the beamline, storage ring electron beam current, energy and lifetime, and the 4 pressures p1-p4 from the table above. Hovering above any item will display its description. Doubleclick will open the corresponding subpage of BCS, in the case of valves with the possibility to open/close them.
![]() |
Color coding of the valves![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Color coding of other items
The bottom line of Kleopatra shows status of the connected services and their communication.

This feature allows to perform a time-, energy-, PM-, PG-, PAU-, PAL-, J1-, J2-, Z1- or Z2 scan of the 8 channels of the A/D converter card (averaged over 200 ms or 1 s time) while logging also some other parameters obtained from BCS. Range From - To, Step and Pause after each acquired data point can be set. The selected parameters are Shown in the graph below. All parameters are automatically saved in the folder D:\Users\Libra\Mono\Kleopatra\Scans under a filename containg the actual date and time. Typically it is used for an energy scan of the photon flux measured by a photodiode, see the result.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 June 2023 08:58