The Endstations
In the UHV endstation of the BRANCH A it is possible to perform a multi-spectroscopy investigation with photoemission (including ARPES), x-ray absorption (TEY,PEY,TFY,PFY), x-ray emission and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in remanence. A LEED and several electron beam evaporators are available to deposit selected metals on the sample surface at different temperatures (50 K-750 K). The experimental setup of the BRANCH A can also combine Laser and Synchrotron Radiation (SR) in order to study the dynamics of the photo-induced excited states of electronic and magnetic systems with pump-probe time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Elettra Synchrotron radiation source provide radiation pulse widths sufficiently short to investigate dynamic processes in the time between 70 ps up to 0.5 μs. Typically, optical excitation of the sample is done by laser pulses (synchronized to either hybrid or multi bunch SR pulses), and probing is performed by time-delayed synchrotron radiation pulses. Time resolved XAS setup is OPEN TO USERS!
List of the technical specifications of the multispectroscopy endstation on the branch A. |
A SAMPLE-PREPARATION UHV chamber, directly connected to the Endstation A can be used to grow thin films of metals or metal oxides and deposit organic/inorganic molecules, hybrid systems or magnetic elements on solid surfaces. A fast entry chamber for surface preparations (gas dosing up to 100 mbar and annealing) is also connected to the preparation chamber. The fast entry can be connected to a UHV vacuum suitcase. |
The BRANCH B is dedicated to XAS experiments at liquid/solid interfaces in operando conditions. Static and microfluidic electrochemical cells are available for in situ CV, electrodeposition and XAS in fluorescence (more details here).
List of the technical specifications of the endstation on the branch B. The BRANCH C is available for the installation of user end-stations for long term projects List of the technical specifications of the branch C. The beamline is also available for the installation of user endstations for long term projects.
Endstation A
This endstation is located at the end of the branch A where the spot dimensions on the sample are about 300x20 micron2: this permits the utilization of the photon spectrometer for x-ray emission experiments. For photoemission the spot dimensions are set to 300x200 micron2. The endstation A of BACH is divided in two different parts: the Main experimental and the Preparation chamber. They are connected through a nipple that let the transfer of the prepared sample into the experimental chamber. Both the chambers include also a sputtering system to prepare the sample surfaces. |
Lateral View
Top View
3-Dimensional and top view of the BACH endstation (experimental + preparation chambers). The arrows indicate the flanges on which the various instruments and devices are mounted. The red arrow indicate the monochromatized photon beam delivered by the beamline. The white cross at the right side (in the top view) represents a 6-way cross on which the following elements are mounted: transfer arm, scraper, load lock, window.
A: The Main Chamber
Electron analyzer: SCIENTA R3000.![]() |
OK The Electron Analyser is at 60° from the incident photon beam, in the horizontal plane |
ComIXS x-ray fluorescence spectrometer; |
OK The Fluorescence Spectrometer is at -60° from the incident photon beam, in the horizontal plane |
Femptoamp meter for total yield x-ray absorption measurements (Keithley); Two (Keithley Electrometer 6430). |
OK Also two 6514 Keithley Electrometers and two Keithley Amplifier 428 are available. These instruments can be connected via PCI and/or GPIB interface with the PC that controls the entire beamline and they can collect signals coming from the mirror surfaces or a freshly evaporated gold mesh, the intensity read on some photodiodes, the drain current from the sample and the electron analyzer counts. |
Channeltron![]() |
OK |
Si photodiode | For Total Fluorescence Yield measurements only for very insulating samples |
VG Rear View with 8011 Electronics |
OK Works down to low energies (~15-25 eV). Retraction not working (LEED has been twisted) |
Retractable LEED (OCI) | Offline. It is currently in for repair. |
He lamp: SPECS UV-Source UVS 300 | Offline |
Manipulator (x,y,z and theta) (CREATEC) | OK |
LHe cryostat: from 30 K to about 1500 K
OK The minimum temperature on the sampe holder is 50 K using LHe, 130 K using LN2; |
Pressure gauge and Residual Gas Analyser | OK (p<3x10-10 mbar) |
Ar sputtering gun (VG) | OK. Only filament 2 is working. |
gas line for surface preparations in UHV; 2 leak valves |
O2, H2, CO are availabe. For other gases, please contact us |
single e-beam evaporator (Omicron) | Fe |
triple e-beam evaporator (Omicron) |
channel1: Si rod (OK? installed sep11) channel2:Mn basket (OK) channel3: Ti rod (filament maybe not working) |
sample scraping device | OK |
Mg/Al Kalpha X-Ray source ![]() |
Just installed (Sept 2011). To be tested working disatnce: 1-2 cm |
Fast entry Load Lock | OK |
A: The Preparation Chamber
Prep chamber Instrument | Status |
crystal cleaver | OK |
Scraper/Cleaver | OK |
Ar+ ion sputtering system | OK |
1 Leak Valve | OK |
2-degree-of-freedom (theta, z) manipulator (continuous annealing up to 700 K, flash up to 1000 or 1500 K) | OK |
Electro Magnet for in-plane magnetization at room temperature | OK |
User evaporators (e.g. organic molecules) | OK |
Pressure gauge and Residual Gas Analyser | OK. p<3x10-10 mbar |
A: The sample manipulators
In the Main chamber , the sample manipulator is mounted vertically on top of the experimental chamber. In the Main chamber two manipulators are available.
One is a LHe cryostat with 4 degrees of freedom. Its main features are the following: X-Y (horizontal) travel = ±25 mm; Z (vertical) travel = 200 mm; Angular rotation (polar) = ±180° Temperature range: 30 K (LHe) or 90 K (LN2)÷1000 K; IMPORTANT: This manipulator is currently not available (May 2009) because it is in repair. The present manipulator installed on the BACH endstation is get on load from Universita' Cattolica di Brescia. It is a CREATEC LHe cryostat with 4 degrees of freedom (XYZpolar). The minimum temperature of this manipulator is 30 or 50 K with LHe and 100-110 K with LN2 on the sample holder. The minimum temperature depends on the sample holder which is used. For instance using the new VG XL25HC sample holder with PBN and thermoucouple we have reached -4.3 mV on the sample (~100 K). The temperature range is 250÷1500 K with home-made sample holders, for Si, SiC and Ge. IMPORTANT: If you need to flash your sample above 1000 K, please contact the beamline |
The other manipulator is a 5-degrees of freedom Omniax manipulator made by VG. This manipulator is currently installed on the branch B for time resolved XAS (without azimuth). We recommend prospective users to contact the beamline staff if they are interested to use the 5-axis Omniax instead of the Createc on the branch line A. Its main features are the following: X-Y (horizontal) travel = ±25 mm; Z (vertical) travel = 200 mm; Angular rotation (polar and azimuthal) = ±180°;IMPORTANT NOTICE: Azimuthal rotation is not available at BACH now Temperature range of the 5-degrees of freedom Omniax: 130÷1000 K (with XL25HC sample holder); |
In the Preparation chamber we have an home-made manipulator (the so called "garage") which can host up to three sample carriers and which can be used for parking the samples in UHV or anneal the samples with direct current up to 10 Amp or using a PBN (up to ~700-800 degree Celsius). Annealing is possible also during the evaporation.
A: The sample holders
There are several sample carriers: standard VG (XL25VH and XL25HC) and home-made carriers for heating by filament for radiative sample heating (up to 300° C) or electron bombardment (available only under special requests) or direct current flow (max 10 Amp, sample always grounded). For dimensions and further information on the sample holders please download the pdf from the VG-Scienta website: PDF FILE (Standard VG Sample Holder) Note: The maximum current which can be applied in continuous is 1.2 A! |
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The samples
The Samples must be conductive for photoemission measurements. The sample holder can host one or more samples in a square area of about 25x25 mm. The samples can be fixed by conductive UHV compatible glue, UHV-compatible carbon/copper tape, by Mo clamps (up to 4), or it can be sandwiched between the sample holder body and a Mo/Stainless steel cap with one hole of different sizes and shapes. For Si, Ge and SiC the sample should be cut in a rectangular piece (IDEAL: 3.5 mm x 8 mm. However, it can fit also 3-4 mm x 7-9 mm).
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR IN-SITU SAMPLE PREPARATION! If the sample needs to be prepared in situ, the sample must be sent to the contact person at the BACH beamline, arranging the delivery so that they can be mounted and transferred in the preparation chamber at least 10 days before the experimental run in order to properly degass the sample holder. When annealing is required, the sample will be typically holded between two plates (one below and one above, with one hole of the proper size and shape to hold the sample). Please specify if there is incompatibility (e.g. alloy formation during annealing) with any material possibly used for the sample holder plate. We typically use: Mo or stainless steel. If you have special requests please contact your local contact well in advace and if necessary provide a 0.1-0.125 mm plate of the material.
A: Evaporation
.:. Evaporation Conditions for Gold MBE, Mn MBE, Omicron e- Beam Manual
In particular, for evaporation during sample annealing (T=300 K to 780 K) there are 3 flanges CF35 flanges (not CF40) pointing upwards (distance flange-sample about 31 cm), 1 CF38 flange pointing downwards. For evaporation at T=300 K there are 1 CF38 flange horizonatal (distance flange-sample about 25 cm) and one CF100 flange horizontal (distance flange-sample about 25 cm). |
Plase read here for more details:

More information will be soon available
OLD: The VSW CLASS 150 hemispherical electron analyser (NOT AVAILABLE ANY MORE!)
The pass energy can be changed continously from 5 eV to 85 eV.
The acceptance angle depends on several factors: retard ratio, slit size at the focal plane, The angular acceptance decreases with increasing retard ratio and also using a small slit or aperture will reduce the angular acceptance
In practice if you are looking at say 500eV electrons with pass energy of 50eV (retard ratio of 10) the angular acceptance is around +/- 4 deg in the dispersive direction. If the pass energy is 10eV (retard ratio of 50) the angular resolution is around +/-2 deg. There are two operation modes which shold be changed manually on the electronic modules:
High Kinetic Energy HE (default) | 30-1600 |
Low Kinetic Energy LE (be very careful for KE<50eV) | 0-100 |
A: The fluorescence Grating Spectrometer ComiXS
The fluorescence spectrometer ComIXS (Compact Inelastic X-ray Spectrometer) is an instrument devoted to the energy analysis of the photons emitted from the sample in the experimental chamber (under synchrotron radiation). It takes advantage of two variable line spacing spherical gratings to cover the range from 20 eV to 1200 eV with medium resolution and high efficiency. The data acquisition is made by a back-illuminated CCD camera optimized on the soft x-ray energy range. (More details on ComIXS) IMPORTANT!!!: Please contact beamline scientist for details on the current status/resolution of the spectrometer. |
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The geometry of the fluorescence (and photoemission) measurements is summarized by the drawing.
A: Off-Line Instruments and Tools
Tool/Instrument | Specifications | Location |
Hot Plate |
50° C-500° C Max Load 5 kg. Max dim. 200x200 mm. |
On the table between BACH acquisition room and LASER hutch |
Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine | On the table between BACH acquisition room and LASER hutch | |
Electrical conductive UHV compatible silver epoxy | Epo-Tek H21D (old) or H20E (new) | BACH acquisition room |
UHV compatible Carbon tape; Several sample Clamps | BACH acquisition room | |
Hot gun | ||
N2 gas line | close to the LASER hutch | |
Water cooling circuits | close to the LASER hutch | |
Electric Drill | Black box in the cabinet between BACH acquisition room and LASER hutch | |
Diamond Files, Sample preparation tools | BACH acquisition room | |
Pyrometer (reads above 300° C ) | Main Chamber area | |
UHV Thickness monitor | Sycon Instruments STM-100/MF | (it can be mounted on the preparation chamber) |
High vacuum sample storage box | T-REX area | |
Electromagnet (OFFLINE!) | up to ~2 Tesla | Between BACH acquisition room and LASER hutch |
Sample holders |
1 standard VG XL25VH 2 home-made sample carriers for heating by filament (for radiative sample heating up to 300° C or electron bombardment)
BACH acquisition room |
A: Time-resolved pump-probe XAS
The time resolved XAS/XMCD setup is operating at the Branch A of the BACH Beamline. The experimental setup combines Laser and Synchrotron Radiation (SR) in order to study the dynamics of the photo-induced excited states of electronic and magnetic systems. |
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The X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS and XMCD) open up various opportunities to probe laser-induced changes of the electronic, magnetic and geometric structure. The properties of the TR-XAS/XMCD@BACH endstation offer wide experimental conditions with respect to repetition rate, overall energy range, time-resolution, operation modes of the Synchrotron source and sample experimental enviroments.
Elettra Synchrotron radiation source provide radiation pulse widths sufficiently short to investigate dynamic processes in the time between 60 ps up to 0.5 μs. Typically, optical excitation of the sample is done by laser pulses (synchronized to either hybrid or multi bunch SR pulses), and probing is performed by time-delayed synchrotron radiation pulses. For the optical excitation of the sample we use a regenerative amplifier system (RegA9000 from Coherent) providing 5µJ photon pulses at a repetition rate of 250 kHz or a Mira HP Ti:Sa oscillator with a pulsepicker and produces 25nJ pulses with a repetition rate tunable between 1 and 83.3 MHz. The XAS experiments are performed measuring the X-ray fluorescence yield by means of an ultra-fast MCP detector (Hamamatsu). Different acquisition modes are available: full XAS energy scan, fixed Energy-time delayed acquisitions. |
Feature of the Laser Sources | RegA9000 | Mira HP Ti:Sa oscillator |
Wavelenght | 800nm; SHG: 400nm | 800nm; SHG: 400nm |
Pulse width | 100 fs | 100 fs |
Pulse energy | 5 μJ/pulse | 25 nJ/pulse |
Repetition rate | 200-250 KHz | 83.3 MHz |
The experimental area around the branch C is flexible. User groups that wish to bring their own instruments or endstations to the beamline are encouraged to do so.
We invite users interested in installing a bulky piece of equipment (such as an entire experimental station) which takes a long time to assemble and dismount to discuss their project with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline in order to check the technical feasibility.
Elettra accepts a limited number of long term projects. These are allocations of beam time over a two-year period. The proposer has to explicitly declare that the instrumentation will be at Elettra for the whole time of the long term project and available to other users. For more info, please visit the user info section.
Endstation B
This endstation is located at the end of the branch B where the spot dimensions on the sample are about 350x40 micron2. The experimental set-up is dedicated to experiments in operando at the interface liquid/solid by XAS in fluorescence.
The end-station has been assembled and installed in 2022. It is a standard mu-metal chamber of 306 mm diameter, pumped through two 100 l/sec turbo pumps directly mounted on top flanges of the chamber and connected to the beam-line through a liquid nitrogen trap. The LN2-trap has been designed and implemented to decrease the pressure in the chamber by pumping the residual gases and to minimize the potential leakage of liquid towards the beamline, as this could pose a significant risk to the vacuum conditions.