XRD1 Highlights

Jack Bean Urease

ponn.pngFolding of the 10-kDa entomotoxic peptide region of JBU (Left) and the corresponding region in B. pasteurii bacterial urease (Right). The insecticidal region in bacterial urease is not intact and consists of two chains.

The three dimensional structure of the historic enzyme, the Jack bean urease (JBU) has recently been unraveled. JBU was not only the first enzyme isolated as a crystalline protein by Sumner in 1926, which fetched him the Nobel Prize, but also the first example of a nickel metalloenzyme and the first protein which showed the presence of sulfhydryl groups. Surprisingly, JBU had to wait more than 80 years for its structural revelation Retrieve Article

Crystal structure of the first plant urease from jack bean: 83 years of journey from its first crystal to molecular structure; A. Balasubramanian and K. Ponnuraj, J.; Mol. Biol. 400, 274 (2010); 10.1016/j.jmb.2010.05.009

Last Updated on Monday, 22 May 2023 15:31